Another succesfull rocket mission
WADIS-2 with CONE-FM3 launched
March 2015: Within the atmospheric research campaign WADIS-2, a sounding rocket with two CONE-FM3 electronics built by vH&S has been successfully launched on 5.3.2015 2:44 am from the Andoya rocket range.
The CONE-FM3 instruments provided precise measurement data about fine scale density fluctuations in the middle and upper mesosphere, in an altitude range between 50 km and 100 km. The WADIS-2 project is funded by the german DLR under the scientific lead of Dr. Boris Strelnikov from the IAP, Kühlungsborn.
Image 1 shows the CONE-FM3 electronic during integration. A montage image of 2 pictures viewing the electronics from different angles.
Image 2 shows the CONE Ground Support Electronics with Laptop and transport case. The Laptop is running the CONE GUI Software for data visualization and instrument control.
External links for more information about the WADIS mission:
- DLR (BMWi Funding):
- Science Lead IAP:
- Rocket System Moraba:
- Andoya Rocket Range:
WADIS: Wellenausbreitung und Dissipation in der Mittleren Atmosphäre
CONE (Combined measurements of Neutrals and Electrons)
IAP (Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik)
DLR (Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.)
MORABA (Mobile Raketenbasis)
FM (Flugmodell)