We provide space technology solutions

About vH&S

Extreme performance requirements, strong power and mass constraints, long mission durations combined with a harsh environment, that is what makes things in space different from most terrestrial applications.

The von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH (vH&S) meets these challenges. Space technology is our core business. Since 1971 vH&S has accumulated extensive space flight heritage: We have built more than 15 flight-qualified scientific space experiments and more than 30 sounding rocket experiments.

Examples of our instruments in space are the COSIMA spectrometer on ESA’s ROSETTA mission, two CIDA instruments for the NASA missions STARDUST and CONTOUR, the LAD instruments for the US TWINS missions, and the PK4HV source on the ISS. Examples of developments for space are our ExoMars Rover prototype and the micro-rover NANOKHOD for ESA’s technology and research program.

vH&S has the legal status of limited company (GmbH) and is an SME by European standards. It is a privately owned, independent industrial entity with no participation of other industrial entities. As an SME, the company has a lean and efficient structure, allowing to realise technically and organisationally complex projects in very short amounts of time at very low cost. Total staff is almost 30 employees.

The key of success is our technical competence and close cooperation with our international customers and partners.

vH&S Staff

Organigram of vH&S

(click to view enlarged version)


vH&S is part of the following networks:

  • Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V.
  • Forum Luft- und Raumfahrt Baden-Württemberg e.V.
  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.
  • Space2Health
  • Space2Agriculture