vH&S News

Assembly of DDA-Sensor Flight Model and Ebox Integration Progresses

The assembly and integration progress of DDA-Sensor reveals the flight instrument’s final dimensions and appearance for the first time. Reaching this intermediate milestone is essential to initiate the MLI fabrication. vH&S successfully integrated the flight model of the electronic box (Ebox) and delivered front-end electronics components for the DDA-Sensor.

Flight Model of the Ebox (Credit: vH&S)
Flight Model of the Ebox (Credit: vH&S)
 Flight model of the front-end electronics for the DDA-Sensor (Credit: vH&S)
Flight model of the front-end electronics for the DDA-Sensor (Credit: vH&S)
Assembly and integration of the flight model of the DDA-Sensor (Credit: IRS)
Assembly and integration of the flight model of the DDA-Sensor (Credit: IRS)